Struggling to keep your mask on?

It is possible to make a mask feel comfortable and to actually feel good.

I was asked to make a Hypnotherapy session that will help those who feel nervous, uncomfortable or claustrophobic when they wear their protective mask. I went a step further and made my Hypnotherapy session to help you feel safe, to have gratitude that you are protecting yourself and to feel totally relaxed with it on. How good is this? Your inner mind will relax deeply, feel comfortable and allow you to easily wear your mask. You can contact me in the discussion area or on the contact page. I will help you out! I also made a hypnosis session that helps you to not touch your face. It helps to stop the unconscious process of just reaching up to your eye, or to rub your nose or stick a finger in your mouth. Hypnosis is like a guided meditation but with more specific suggestions. You are very relaxed, reducing stress, while allowing your inner mind to feel at peace and accept new behaviors and let go of negative thoughts.

You can download this audio session and find relief and be comfortable and maybe even happy in your mask!